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Point-by-point explanation on how to score for the Evidence Folder

Probably one of the most detailed CV development handbooks in the market

The CV Development Course is what I've dreamt of when I was applying for Ophthalmology ST1 training.


All the courses I've been to only briefly talk about the CV which is essentially information I can also find online on the National Recruitment website! How I wished someone would've talked me through in detail on HOW to achieve certain points in the Evidence Folder, HOW to find a project and publish it etc.


This course serves precisely that purpose. It acts as your mentor and in an informal way, guide you to score as many points as possible, given that the Evidence Folder now counts for HALF of the points in the application process (as of 2024 entry)!


The CV Development Handbook (only available with this online course!) has an extended chapter on how to find projects and approach mentors which would be extremely handy -- one of the few things I wished someone had told me before and what most juniors find difficult.



  • 99 pounds (180 days access)


What's included?




What successful candidates said about the course...

Excellent course and course handbook! Lots of interaction in the course and dynamics were really positive and encouraging. Also really liked the practice scenarios. I've got no suggestions for improvements really as I think the course was thorough and very relevant! The course gives me a good basis to practise and study at home!

The tutor answered lots of questions I had regarding the stations. Guidance from RCOphth is poor - great amount of information in handouts

Excellent course handbook...friendly and knowledgable tutor in the course and provides a lot of concise, focussed information about the interview

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