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Job Interview


The UK's FIRST Mock Interview Course offered ONLINE since January 2019

Produced over 70% success rate

Produced Top 10 candidates


One-on-one virtual Mock Interview

The ST1 Mock Interview was designed to mimic the ACTUAL interview for its setting, intensity, and level of difficulty and it is one of the MOST REALISTIC Mock Interview Courses you can find in the country. 


Building on the success of our flagship face-to-face Mock Interview Course prior to the pandemic, our Mock Interview is now going to be held via online video conferencing using Microsoft Teams, the official system used by the RCOphth National Recruitment 2024 entry.


This will be an entirely one-on-one virtual session with Mr Jonathan Ng, FRCOphth, who has> 5 years of experience in Ophthalmology Interview training. We are proud to have produced a 77% success rate in securing a run-through ST1 training post, three top 10 candidates including the nation's top (i.e. rank 1) candidate in just the first year of the creation of this course.


After the Mock Interview, you will receive written feedback in the form of mark schemes (via email) which are designed solely for this course and not seen in any other courses or websites. 



Course fee: £199


What's included?

  • ​One-on-one online Mock Interview with feedback (2 rounds of practice, total of 4 stations) with Mr Jonathan Ng, FRCOphth

  • Mark schemes (derived from past years' stations), actor scripts


Please email me at once you've paid via the link to book your one-on-one virtual mock interview.



What successful candidates said about the course...

Very representative questions + good level of difficulty and breadth. Good feedback straight after the session. The Mock highlights which areas I need further revision before the interview

Really liked how the format and stations were. It was how it would be in the real thing. 1-to-1 teaching is great and great to have such detailed feedback after! Also good to have two circuits of practice

The one to one feedback is great - no rush and plenty of time to ask questions. It reflects the actual stations in the interview!

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