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The TTO Communication Skills Course is for those who wants to specifically focus on perfecting their communication skills in preparation for the upcoming Ophthalmology interviews. The course is suitable for both ST1 and ST3 interviewees.
The course is divided into four parts:
We will first be going through past years' ACTUAL mark scheme and break them down for you so you know what skills are being tested and what the examiners are looking for. We will then go through important points regarding communication skills which is so often a part where candidates neglect practising, as they think they're confident but might be doing it the wrong way.
We will then go through Telemedicine specifically and scenarios in relation to Telemedicine so you know what to expect and how to prepare properly for this online interview. It's not just about setting up your account for Microsoft Teams and dress like you're going for a face-to-face interview. There's so much more to it that we will teach you in the course.
We will go through all the important communication station scenarios and provide you with a step-to-step guide to grab as many points as you can in the interview. Candidates often think they are only going in to speak with the actor and see how it goes but actually, there is a framework you need to be following and we will be teaching you that framework.
Lastly, we will be going through all the essential and bonus Clinical Knowledge that is relevant to this year's Online Assessment. We will not only be teaching you the conditions and what you need to know but also suggest potential communication scenarios that may come up for each condition so you are fully prepared when you 'walk in' or 'log in' to the actual interview.
199 pounds (180 days access)
What successful candidates said about the course...
Excellent course and course handbook! Lots of interaction in the course and dynamics were really positive and encouraging. Also really liked the practice scenarios. I've got no suggestions for improvements really as I think the course was thorough and very relevant! The course gives me a good basis to practise and study at home!
The tutor answered lots of questions I had regarding the stations. Guidance from RCOphth is poor - great amount of information in handouts
Excellent course handbook...friendly and knowledgable tutor in the course and provides a lot of concise, focussed information about the interview
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