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ST1 Mock Interview Course testimonials

“Very realistic, well-structured mock interview. Excellent practice, even included simulated patient. The questions are also difficult and challenges my thinking”

“Very representative questions + good level of difficulty and breadth. Good feedback straight after session. The mock highlights which areas need further revision before the interview”

“Accurate reflection of the actual interview. Relevant and difficult questions. It helps me identify my weak areas to focus right before interview”

“Really liked how the format and stations were. It was how it would be in the real thing. 1-to-1 teaching which is great and great to have such detailed feedback! Also great to have two circuits!”

“The Mock highlights areas I needed to work on e.g. clinical cases and highlights the importance of practising out loud. Also helps me have an idea of the format on the day”

“Very well organised, lots of practice”

“2 sets of mock interview questions - with the opportunity to improve on performance. Good feedback from tutor! Good variety of cases and questions”

“Difficult but realistic questions. Identified gaps in my knowledge. Excellent mock interview”

‘Very realistic, difficult questions”

“Like the fact that it is 1 on 1 with 2 circuits - very helpful!”

“Very close to the real interview. Good, difficult questions! Good mark schemes! Gain a lot from the experience in the Mock Interview and the one on one feedback is very good!”

“Picking up on where I had to improve”

“The one to one feedback is great. No rush. And plenty of time to ask questions. It reflects the actual stations in the interview.”

ST1 Interview Preparation Course testimonials

“well structured…the course helped me structuring my answers in the interview”

“very thorough on QIP and communication station”

“Excellent course handbook…friendly and knowledgable tutor in the course and provides a lot of concise, focussed information about the interview’

“Excellent course and course handbook! Lots of interaction in the course and dynamics were really positive and encouraging. Also really liked the practising scenarios! I’ve got no suggestions for improvements as I think the course was thorough and very relevant. The course gives me a good basis and evidence to practice and study at home”

“Detailed, interactive course! Very useful handbook. Plenty of time for questions. The course definitely helped me to know what to focus on”

“The tutor answered lots of questions I had regarding the station. Guidance from RCOphth is poor - great amount of information in handouts”

“…like the structure, interactions and the notes of the course”

“Helped me narrow my revision to high yield topics. Excellent course and handouts”

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